About Us


Overcoming poverty through education

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Our Story

Light of Life (LOL) is a Christian Non-Governmental organization, dedicated to working with children and families within the Maasai community to overcome poverty.

Light of Life is located at A.C.K Road, 1 kilometer from Kiserian town and 26 kilometers away from the capital city of Nairobi. It is a registered NGO under the Non-Governmental Board.

Our mission is geared towards empowering the community, advocating for the rights of the girl-child with focus on Education, experience the love of God through Spiritual nature and growth, campaign against child marriage, female genital mutilation (FGM).

In addition, Light of Life engages in family capacity building through supply of water tanks to enhance clean water harvesting, provision of certified seeds to subsistence farmers and Income Generating Activities for the Youth that will help in empowering them and increase entrepreneurship.

Light of Life has gained experience working with the poor communities within the country and is striving to see the young girls achieve their dreams and reach their full potential. It has witnessed tremendous achievements in improving the living standards among the Maasai and the number of girls enrolling in primary schools and progressing to secondary and finally colleges has increased.

Our Programs

Girl Child Education

Over 700 girls have successfully gone through the academic program, and currently 200 receiving academic sponsorship in primary, secondary and tertiary level. Our focus is on young girls facing academic/school fees challenges, abuse or violence. Putting more emphasis on promoting and advocating for their rights through Education, Spiritual nature and total transformation achieved through a step by step process of understanding and managing past painful and traumatic experiences they have faced. Many girls have successfully gone through the program and are currently working in different companies, organizations both Government and private sector within and outside the country.

Rescue Program

Growing up in poverty, girls face tough challenges: hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and medical services, social discrimination and isolation, forced early marriage and FGM. Over the last 10 years and with support from well-wishers, Light Of Life has managed to rescue 39 girls and helped them get good health care, education, life skills, job-readiness training and confidence they need to create lasting change in their lives and communities. The girls stay in our rescue center in Kiserian.

Boy Child Education

As we give the girl child is prevalence, we leave the boy child vulnerable in the foreseeable future. This therefore caused us to begin the boy child academic sponsorship this year, to give equal opportunities to all the children irrespective of their gender.

Child Protection against retrogressive harmful practices

It is so sad that before the 14th birthday of the Maasai girls, they are already married! Before marriage, the Maasai girls go through “female circumcision,” otherwise known as Female Genital Mutilation. Light of Life, is in the forefront to fight against this practice that has led to many girls dropping from schools and get married to older men. We have a rescue program that ensures that girls facing the retrogressive practices are protection and given an opportunity to get an education.

Evangelism and growing Christian values in the young people

This is a program to speak to the young boys and girls the importance of upholding Christian values. Light of Life ensures that the young boys and girls focus in education, develop a sense of right and wrong. This helps them to make wise choices and encourages them to contribute to making the world around them a better place

Water and sanitation

Water is life and everyone is entitled to clean water. Children and the old are the most affected when it comes to water shortage in the community. Clean water enables children grow and flourish. Light of Life supply water tanks to families to enable them harvest clean water during the rainy season or store clean water for use at home.

Relief Food Program

Poor nutrition is the biggest underlying cause of malnutrition, diseases and even deaths.
Light of Life partner with the churches and ensure that the community get food assistance
and addressing the forms of food insecurity.

With Your Help, We are Making The World a Better Place

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A Note from the Director – 2022

Dear friends and Light of Life family,

Greetings. I give thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of light (Col.1:12). In spite of all the challenges, God has called us to fulfil His purpose.

Education is a powerful tool in developing the full potential of every child; it is a global development priority, an investment in the future of our world and it promotes the weak section of the society.

The year 2021 was an eventful year following hot and the heels of 2020 with the covid-19 pandemic effects. Despite the challenges that we faced as an organization, you stood with us and for us. I appreciate your efforts in all your good works; financial, social, emotional and spiritual support. The Academic support for our girls, spiritual nurture and mentorship programs during holidays and camps, material support, including back to school requirements and community support, where we fed 1,000 families during the pandemic both in Narok and Kajiado Counties. All these were possible because of your generous support and being mindful of us, fulfilling the scriptures in Philipians 2:3-4 of looking into the interests of others.

In spite of the fact that the harmful and retrogressive cultural and traditional practices within the communities have impinged on girl’s rights over the years, they have proven over time that they have the ability, talent and character required, not only for their personal growth, but also for the enhancement of the progress and wellbeing of the community at large. As we continue in this initiative that has already engaged and benefited many girls across the two counties, we are aiming to inspire, educate and support as many girls as we can within the coming years.

One of the big steps we have taken is to roll out the boy child program. A program that will give boys the best chance to live a fulfilling, successful life, free from as much adversity as possible, and become responsible resourceful members of society.

I want to really thank in a very special way everyone who has contributed to the success of this great organization in the last ten years. I thank my sponsors, supporters and mentors for allowing God to use you to reach to the hearts and minds of the young girls throughout the years. I am blessed to have you and thank you for being amazing people.

I also thank Rev. Grace Bukachi, Pastor Euncie Keli, Dr. Minister Margaret Mumbi, Pastor Lucy Mola, Pastor Nelly Shani, and Minister Mercy Sendi. You walked with me, we have worked together and I appreciate your counsel and support. I want to appreciate Light of Life Board members, Rev. Stephen Lentoror, Hon. Hamilton Parseina, Madam Seela Kuluo, and Pastor James Santai for standing with me all the way and supporting the organization at all times.

Finally, I really thank my dear parents Bishop Dr. Peter Nakola and Mrs. Janet Nakola for upholding me in prayers, encouraging me and being my source of strength in this journey. My young children Jayden and Jayne, my dear siblings; Steve, James, Bernice, Ruth and Joy for not allowing me to be discouraged, and pushing me to be focused. I bless you and appreciate your love towards me. I agree with the quote “Family is your most reliable source of support in any situation, because their love is unconditional, and come rain or shine, they will be there to cheer you on with every of your life goals”.

May God bless Light of Life and may His Name be praised both now and forever. Amen

Eva Nakola